about Piller Financial

Making Your Money Work For You

We offer a straightforward approach to building financial strategies focused around you, your schedule, your circumstances, and your objectives. We take the time to understand your needs, explain different options to you and earn your trust before offering possible solutions. By working with us, you can take meaningful, manageable steps toward developing an integrated strategy to help achieve a secure financial future. Since your financial situation is bound to change, we work with you over time to help ensure you are on track to achieving your goals.

our team

Our Skilled Team Members

When you work with a Financial Professional to design a path for your financial future, we assist you in setting, monitoring, and meeting your goals through a spectrum of financial services, including long-term asset accumulation, preservation, and distribution strategies.

Grant E. Piller, CFP®, LUTCF
Financial Planner/Owner
Office: (952) 258-5157
Fax: (952) 258-5224
E-mail: Grant@PFinGroup.com
John T. Felton, CIMA®, CPFA®
Chief Operating Officer
Office: (952) 258-5128
Fax: 952-258-5224
E-mail: John@pfingroup.com
Scott Broman, CFP®
Financial Planner/Vice President
Office: (952) 258-5011
Fax: 952-258-5224
E-mail: scott@pfingroup.com
Patrick Ruhland, APMA®
Investment Specialist
Office: (952) 258-5030
Fax: 952-258-5224
E-mail: pat@pfingroup.com
Meghan Pate
Director of Operations
Office: (952) 258-5019
Fax: 952-258-5224
E-mail: mpate@pfingroup.com
Ryan Doyle
Office: (952) 258-5066
Fax: 952-258-5224
E-mail: ryan@pfingroup.com
Peder Larson, CRPC™
Financial Planning Analyst
Office: (952) 258-5252
Fax: 952-258-5224
Brenda Cornejo
Client Service Representative
Office: (952) 258-5003
Fax: (952) 258-5224
Emily Kadue
Client Service Representative
Office: (952) 258-5133
Fax: 952-258-5224
E-mail: emily@pfingroup.com
Kathy Naber
Client Service Representative
Office: (952) 258-5225
Fax: 952-258-5224
E-mail: kathy@pfingroup.com
Vicky Plante
Client Service Representative
Office: (952) 258-5155
Fax: 952-258-5224
E-mail: vicky@pfingroup.com
Jessica E. Sundell
Client Service Representative
Office: (952) 258-5223
Fax: (952) 258-5224
E-mail: jesundell@pfingroup.com
Becca Perrault-
Operations Manager
Office: 952-258-5082
Email: becca@pfingroup.com
Luke Donahue
Office: (952) 258-5070
E-mail: luke@pfingroup.com
James Schoenfelder
Office: (952) 258-5087
Email: james@pfingroup.com
Will Hanson
Financial Planner
Office: (952) 258-5109
Email: whanson@pfingroup.com
James Peterson
Financial Advisor
Office: (612) 281-9780
Fax: 952-258-5224
E-mail: jim@pfingroup.com
Sunny Handa, MBA, CFBS
Financial Planner
Office: (864) 509-1700
Mobile: (864) 346-7878
Email: sunny@pfingroup.com

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